
Quality Management


ISO 9004:2018 – Sustained Success

Moving beyond ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System!

“Assisting ISO 9001-certified organizations to obtain long term benefit from the implementation of a more broad-based and in-depth impact quality management system”.

This two-day training course on ISO 9004:2009 provides guidance on how you can continually improve your business’s overall performance, efficiency and effectiveness based on a process-based approach whilst focusing on the longer-term purpose that is to ensure the economic survival of the organization that will allow sustained success.

ISO 9004 provides organizations with a model for “sustained success” in today’s complex, demanding, and ever-changing environment. The objectives of customer satisfaction and product quality are extended in ISO 9004:2009 to include the satisfaction of interested parties and the performance of the organization.

The combination of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 9004:2009 will allow you to get the most of your quality management system. When evaluating companies as prospective investment choices, many investors ask questions such as: “Will the company be around in ten years?” and “Does it have sustainable competitive advantages?” Those same questions are often asked by customers, partners, and financial institutions.

Business sustainability is based on the capabilities of an organization to continually achieve its objectives over the long term.